Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 1: 30 days Raw

Hello! Well, I am actually on day 5, but I am going back and using my journal to add what I have been eating, how I have been feeling, etc. I will add my "before" picture soon! I already took it, just haven't uploaded it. Please feel free to encourage me, tell me about your struggles trying raw or just comment in general! I do ask you to please be kind, I would like this to stay family friendly, thank you so much!
Well, as listed in my about me info, I am 39 years old and currently weigh between 175 and 178. I weighed myself yesterday and was at 177.8, but this does fluctuate. I have low energy. I am often tired. I have dealt with severe depression after the birth of my twins. It has often been difficult to watch myself "pack on the pounds" but I have nobody to blame but myself! Eating is just something I do. I know what is generally healthy, but I eat what I like. I love carbs! I like bread, doritos, sandwiches, sometimes cake, always pasta and lots of dairy! I have only recently begun looking HARD at my diet choices. Not just the choice to eat junk, but the choice I can make to eat WELL. This may only last 30 days, but I hope to make a lifestyle change and incorporate much, much more raw food into my life, and the life of my family.

Today I ate:
Water with fresh squeezed lemon
Some Odwalla Green Juice (not raw, but avail and minimal processing) about 3 chugs
2 baby carrots
Salad: lettuce/onion/toms w/oil & vinegar dressing
avocado apple salad (recipe HERE)
asian slaw (recipe HERE)
Banana bread Larabar
Corn chips with Salsa (jarred)

I found that my cravings were HUGE today. Especially in the evening when I usually eat junk like chips and salsa, hummus and pita, doritos. I almost went nuts! I totally caved and ate about 20-25 corn chips and about 1/2 cup of mango salsa. If they are available, the temptation is great! I urge you to remove the offenders BEFORE, not during (in your mouth) your raw journey. It's ok, I did great today and my cravings are strong! I'm also quite tired. This is to be expected from what I understand and will likely get worse.

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